Our server environment professionals will build the most suitable server environment for the client's use.
We support provisioning not only in Japan but also overseas.
We also offer fully managed services such as server load balancers and multi-server systems with 10-20 servers.
Cloud Server Setup - Build servers and networks on public clouds such as AWS, GCP, Azure, etc.
Automating Cloud Server Setup - Automate server management with Ansible, SaltStack, Shell, Python, and Openstack-based APIs
HA and autoscaling Setup on AWS - Setup Autoscaling and HA environment on AWS
Virtual environment Setup (Windows, Linux) - Build a virtual environment such as Openstack, VMware, HyperV, etc.
In-house and on-premise server Setup - Build a server for each purpose in your company. - Server construction in a data center
Network construction - Firewall, VPN between sites, router, switch, load balancer configuration and network security measures
Building Life and Activity Monitoring - Configuring automatic life and death monitoring tools such as Cacti, Nagios, Icinga, SmokePing, etc.